BEEOCITRIX® helping Brazilian fruit growing

Tests carried out on bananas indicated that the shelf life can be extended by up to four weeks.

In the first half of 2022, fruit exports fell by 11% in Brazil compared to the same period last year. The rainy weather and the variation in European demand, largely due to the war between Russia and Ukraine, influenced the scenario.

But climate and geopolitics are not the only factors that affect Brazilian fruit and vegetable exports. The short shelf life of many products also makes shipping difficult, especially by sea.

To solve this problem, B.E.E Agro, Beeotec’s agricultural arm, developed – from its base component, BEEOCITRIX®, created by improving the process of diluting propolis and other phytoextracts in water – a cost-effective and natural ripening retardant. Tests carried out on bananas indicated that the shelf life can be extended by up to four weeks.

Valuing and stimulating Brazilian fruit production is one of our goals. And we count on the strength that comes from nature in this endeavor!