Brazil has a unique environment in the world

Brazil has a unique environment in the world, which challenges producers and entrepreneurs to innovate.

Brazil has a unique environment in the world, which challenges producers and entrepreneurs to innovate. We live in a time when the integration of crops, livestock, and forestry is growing when we need to do direct planting due to greater soil erosion, and when we can produce two or even three harvests per year. But this comes with a great demand for controlling weeds, pests, and diseases and an environment of microclimate and unique soils, requiring high control and technology for the operation to be profitable.

As if all that wasn’t enough, we have one of the most complex and cumbersome tax systems in the world, and a major challenge for the coming years, in terms of inflation, logistical costs, inputs, and labor.

That is why I believe so much in the success of Brazilian agtechs and, for my 2023 list, I sought to indicate startups with well-established processes for managing products, processes, and people, something that I consider essential for successful businesses.

Efficient management involves having innovative products and a clear value proposition; simple, structured, and easy-to-adopt processes; and qualified and talented people to make the company grow sustainably.

Below is my list, which I have compiled as an agro scholar and executive for over 25 years. This list brings the agtechs that I, Renato Seraphim, believe